William Castrogiovanni * Programmer * info@hirebill.com
11434 Calvert Street #37 * North Hollywood, CA 91606 * (818) 763-0637

Portfolio Navigator
Application Development
Web Sites
Pet Projects

Application Development
LOIS (Lockbox Online Imaging System)
Technologies Used: WebObjects(Objective-C, WebScript, HTML), Oracle
My Role: Project Manager/Programmer
Server OS: Solaris

Description: LOIS is a web-based application which businesses can use to manage their lockbox transactions. Users can search over, categorize, and annotate check images and other remitter information collected from the post office. The latest version of the program offers 9 different types of online reports and is capable of creating CD archives for off-line browsing. As LOIS's features are resold by BankOne, the application also boasts an extensive administrative interface.

Mass Attraction
Technologies Used: Director/Lingo, C++
My Role: Lead Programmer/Developer
Application OS: Mac OS

Description: Designed for young scientists, the Mass Attraction kiosk is a gravitational playground. Users can drag up to 60 pieces of matter into a virtual universe and watch the Fundamental Forces move things about. The kiosk's components were assembled in Macromedia Director and the business logic was coded in object-oriented Lingo. Because Lingo is an interpreted language, all mathematically intensive calculations were ported to C++ and compiled into a Director Xtra. This kiosk is currently on display at the Adler Planetarium.
 Mass Attraction

Motion Detection
Technologies Used: Director/Lingo, Flash, QuickTime
My Role: Lead Programmer
Application OS: Mac OS

Description: At the Motion Detection kiosk, junior astronomers can adjust a planet's mass to affect orbiting satellites. Underneath its flashy interface, this kiosk communicates with QuickTime via a custom Lingo object. The object's API allows programmers to divide a single movie into chapters, assign callback routines to individual frames in those chapters, and dynamically arrange sequences for playback. This kiosk is currently on display at the Adler Planetarium.
Motion Detection

CME-Ed (Online Courses)
Technologies Used: Perl, PostgreSQL, HTML
My Role: Project Manager/Programmer
Server OS: Solaris

Description: Developed for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange's education department, this application provides aspiring young investors with the know-how they need to win big bucks in the market. The neophytes are required to pass each chapter's quiz before they venture into additional lessons. All the while, a site administrator monitors the students' progress, laughing at the poor saps who don't know the difference between the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500.
CME Application